Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nothing less than an event

A blog? Why you may ask? This crazy life of mine is sometimes a reality show with a little inspriartion mixed into the madness. Maybe some of you can learn something from me, and I can learn from you. The stories you are about to read are real . .
Day 1 of blog. Just another eventful morning in the Velazquez house. Xavier wakes up, I ask him the same 2 questions every morning. Here were todays answers:
How did you sleep? Good?: Xavier's answer: "ummmmm . .nope"
OK . .we are off to a great start
What did you dream about? Tell me what you thought about when you slept: Xavier's answer- "daddy and butter."
Yes, Xavier is obsessed with butter, not eating it, but thinking about it. He sees butter on the side of the road, in the car, and apparently now in his dreams. He is truly my son. I do love butter.

It is approxamately 8pm and I am ready for Xavier to get to bed. Whooping cough mixed with terrible twos mixed with some teething is creating a grouchy mommy too. Plus . .I need to catch up on my Real Housewives of Atlanta.

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