Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A disaster

Today at work was the family Thanksgiving, we all made a dish and I made a ham. It was delish. I made everyone going around and say what they were thankful for. I went first:
"I am thankful for my wonderful healthy, supportive family, and a great team to come to everyday at work."
The continued comments from over half of the team . ."ditto, what Tracy said."  . .I tell ya, kids these days!
I used the left over ham for dinner, and baked a sqaush with brown sugar and butter, baked potatoes, and croissants.
"These croissants are lame" I stated as I took the croissants out of the oven.
"Yeah they are, but I thought you were suppose to roll them up" replied Javy
"Oh crap, yeah you are." I said back
Please take note. This is a very important step when making croissants. You must roll them up. They will come out "lame" and burnt on the bottom. CRAP!

Xavier took a moment out of his busy night, after I gave him the "30 minutes till bedtime countdown, make it fun" to lay with daddy and cross his legs. I have never seen him cross his legs before, i thought it was cute so I snapped a pic.

Javy looks stressed or tired, or maybe he is mad over my damaged croissants. Please notice the budlight hanging from his hand, I find this classy. Also note the tiger and lion in X's hands, these show up in 9 out of 10 pictures of Xavier.

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