Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A new bathroom

For anyone that knows my home, it is not kid proof. We have taught Xavier to only play in one area and not touch anything on shelves. I like my house neat, orderly and with as few toys as possible. A huge step for me has recently been taken. Take a look at my downstairs bathroom:
Please note the pretty flower above the toilet and the porpoise grey walls that match perfectly with all the bathroom designs. Lets take a look at a few more things.
1) I have a sesame street toilet seat with a an Elmo and Big Bird swimming design
2) I have a cop car stool for easy access
3) I have no toilet paper b/c Xavier thinks he needs a whole roll when he is done peeing. (side note: the undone roll of toilet paper is in the top drawer to the left) I only say this in case you use this bathroom at my house and can't find the toilet paper.

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