Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another night in Paradise

I bought Javy a GI Joe ice cream cake for his birthday. Why? I went to DQ at 5pm, there wasn't much of a selection. I got a kick out out of it, Xavier just kept saying "ohh my". I made the famous Velazquez tacos. What's in it. Hold onto your shoes everyone, shredded chicken, cheese and mashed potatoes are whats in. Crazy I know, but these Velazquez folks are a bit crazy and they come up with amazing food. Javy used to have this growing up and he loves it.

I spent my night clearing grease from the tacos off the stove and table. Javy spent his night studying for the hunters safety course.

Xavier spent his night on a cake and skittle sugar high. Literally bouncin off the couches. He was funny. Look at that butt chin, he gets that from Javy.

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