Monday, November 15, 2010

An Epic Day

Today was many things:
1) An amazing, inspiring day at work. I truly love my job and my team.
2) A great dinner. Javy, X and I all went and had Pho at our fave Pho restaraunt down the street. We can only eat Pho in the winter when it is cold. It had been awhile and I was excited. I have mine with rare steak. Javy has his with every piece of the animal in it.
3)A succesfull trip to Ross ( I should pay rent here due to be being there every other day)  Xavier always gets a toy at Ross. Today he got cops cars and firetrucks.
Javy was excited too

4) A wonderful night with my fam. We came home and all sat by the fire. I sang Christmas songs since the Christmas station isn't playing on TV yet ("Chestnuts roasting over the open fire" to be exact).

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