Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Never waste a Fry. Ever.

Let me tell you, I love my husband but, he sure is an interesting one. Tonight he made a chicken wing/tender feast. Xavier, ate all his food with minimal complaining except for 3 lonely french fries. I went to throw away these fries, but javy asked me to put them in his tupperwear of left overs for lunch tomorrow. Really? 3 french fries covered in ketchup and bleu cheese? I did what I was asked without question.

Javy also makes the best ice cream cones. I believe they are so good because they are made with love. I get frustrated that my cone is breaking, or ice cream is melting and give up on a quality cone.
 X was happy too. He rarely gets dessert because he rarely eats all his food with no complaining. Tonight was a treat.

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