Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Everyone needs a rice cooker

Tonight Javy went to buy a gun. Finally, we are safe from zombies, intruders, crazy neighbors, and anyone else who may enter our home uninvited. While he was out, and Xavier was grounded to his room for throwing a fit over a lollipop, I put this little treasure together.
Beijing beef, I had no clue what I was doing, but it smelled great. To go with the beefy delight I cooked up some rice. Who has one of these?
If you don't, go out and buy one, it's called a Tiger rice cooker. It is worth every penny for a few reasons:
1) it cooks rice perfectly every time
2) it cooks rice fast
3) it has gorgeous flower designs on it that you may have seen on your grandmothers comforter
I use this at least once per week, and never want to picture my life without it. EVER.

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