About me

I am just a little french girl living my dream. I grew up in Maine, spent some time in San Diego and have some how ended up in the suburbs of Westminster Colorado.

I hate to cook, but love to eat what I cook. I hate to clean but love to try new cleaning products. I hate dieting but recently lost 70 lbs. through dieting.

 I am so fortunate to have married an amazing man who loves to hunt, watch basketball, scream derogatory words at the TV during football, and can sit and have super hero wars for hours with my son. He also has some of the best facial hair around.

I have 2 crazy, wild, peanuts. My 4 year old son (Xavier) who looks exactly like my husband but has the loud, and crazy personality of his mommy. My 10 month old baby girl (Charlotte) looks just like her daddy and the same, easy going, laid back personality of her daddy. My genes missed the pool on these two kids. Hopefully one of my other future kids will get some of these sharp looks.

My blog is about my stories, my advice, my thoughts, my ideas, and a little journey through my life. I attempt to juggle a husband, 2 kids, a full time job and all the duties that come with it all.

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