Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Easy money saving tips for the family!

While I am at work my brain is consumed with ways to meet the budget, save money and think outside the box to make up for the big purchase I just had to make. Nobody wants to go over budget. Nobody. Unfortunately for my husband who loves to spend money, these same money saving thoughts that consume my brain at work also consume my brain at home.

We work way too hard for our money to throw it away. I have learned a few tips and tricks in my days that have really helped me save. Now, I'm not saying I use these tips all the time- but I sure try. Try them, maybe you will do a better job than me.

1) Use what you have. Why go out to dinner when you have already gone grocery shopping and have enough food to cook dinner? Resist the going out to eat temptation. This is very hard, but also very possible. Check your pantry before you go grocery shopping. I have about 5 containers of garlic salt because I kept forgetting to check before I bought more. I wasted approx. $5.

2) Make a family budget. There is a lot of free online budgeting tools. Or you can ask for Quicken for Christmas (that's what I did- thanks dad!) I budget everything down to diapers and dog food. Stick to that budget. I give myself a certain amount of money for going out to eat, or even "play" money. When that money is gone so is my going out to eat privileges for that week and misc. activities like going to the movies. Man, I sure hate when that money is gone.

3) Re-evaluate your cell phone/cable plans. I was with my cell phone provider for about 5 years when I finally realized I was getting ripped off and paying way too much. I ended up going with a family plan on my husbands provider and was able to save $40/month!! - examine how many minutes/texts your actually using, do you really need all that you pay for? I have also been known to call my cable provider and ask for a discount for being such a loyal customer. Right now I am saving another $35/month due to my sweet negotiating skills with the cable guys. Tracy-1 Cable company- 0.

4) Use online coupons. I would rather shop all day online ANY DAY than step into a mall. I even have my credit card number memorized in case I need it real quick for a special last minute deal on amazon. Pathetic, I know. However before I buy I always google a coupon (then again I google everything). I almost always find free shipping, or percentage off coupons. Try it!

5) Look online for deals before you subject yourself to the mall. Most of the time you can find items online at a much better cost. The top items I have found cheaper online are: books, movies, most electronics, diapers, most electronics, and wipes.

6) Become a pro at the need/want thought process. Really take a moment to go through the thought process before you make a big purchase. Unless it's one of those great 24 hour deals on amazon, then just go ahead and buy it. I kid, I kid. (kind of). But seriously, you don't need everything that's on sale.   My husband has been asking for a new 60 inch TV for about 2 years. There is continually great sales on them . Guess what? We have a perfectly fine, nice flat screen- sorry pops, no new flat screen for you. Things come on sale all the time. Move on folks. Move on.

7) Make it automatic. Before we even see my husbands paycheck a certain amount goes into a savings account out of state, we only access this money during emergencies only. It's so much easier to save when you never even see the money to begin with.

8) Get a programmable thermostat (and use it).  Make your house cooler/warmer when your gone and sleeping depending on the season. This will seriously save you a lot of money. I have heard it can save you about 25% on your bill and I believe it! Now, I don't know how to work my thermostat, so you may need a very smart husband for this.

9) Buy generic when you can. Almost all generic brand food and medicine is the same as the name brand. Trust me, generic diced tomatoes taste the same as the name brand. I buy almost all my groceries generic and I am pretty sure that how I am able to grocery shop on a crazy budget.  Insert blog shout out here----Feed your family on a budget

10) Sign up for a warehouse membership- I have a Costco membership for $55/annually. You don't have to only buy bulk food at these stores (although that's fun too) Gas at Costco is MUCH cheaper than anywhere else nearby, you can also find clothes, or home goods for a great price. YOU MUST BE CAREFUL USING THIS TIP. It is also very easy to go into Costco and come out with 50 items you did not need. Use tip #6 when in Costco.

You are now rich! Well maybe not, but wouldn't that be cool? What easy money saving tips work for you and your family?


  1. I have been trying to research ways to save money. I had a bad accident many years ago, and it left me with a lot of debt. I received a settlement, but because I had so much debt, I had to get cash for my structured settlements instead of keeping the payment plan. This did help me get out of debt, but I want to avoid getting into debt again. These tips are fantastic, and I appreciate you sharing. I am going to start employing them immediately.

  2. Getting into to debt can be WAy too easy! I am glad these helped you!

  3. I agree that being in debt can be easy and incredibly hard to get out of, especially when you don't have discipline don't know how to pay the debt off. These are great tips, Tracy. I'm sure that what you've learned and shared with us will be helpful to anyone who comes across them.
