Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sharp tooth?

Xavier got mad at me this morning. He brought me to his toy box.
Whiling tearing through it he said "Mommy, arp oo!"
I asked "huh? Hippo?"
He said "NO ARP OO"
I had no idea what this meant and this makes X mad. I start looking through his toy box with holding up every toy I come across hoping it's the "Arp Oo"
Finally I get to the T-Rex. "Is this it?" I ask
"YES MOMA" X replies as he grabs it from my hands and runs off.

I ask javy what "Arp oo" means and id he has ever heard it.
Javy says "Yeah, he is saying Sharp Tooth, like in land before time."

Well . .I missed that memo

A bittersweet Saturday

I did it. The dreaded Black Friday shopping. Javy, X and I hit the roads at about 10am to see what we could get our hands on. I would like to share my deals with you:
2Qt Crock pot: $5
Griddle: $10
Buzz 12' action figure " $12
Woody 12' action figure : $12
Shop Vac :$40
Pillow Pet : $8
Thomas set: $20
I was pleased. What was I
most pleased with you ask? The griddle.

This thing is magic. Pure Magic. This french toast . .did not stick once, and i didn't use any non sticking crap. Eggs, no stick,, bacon, no stick. Holy Lord, this thing is genius. This is what $10 bucks can get ya folks . .go get one.

After I played with my griddle for awhile I decided to clean out my closet. If anyone is looking for a good free workout, this is it. I was sweating like a cow in heat. I decided not to dwell on the past and cry about how much weight I have gained and how much my body chnaged after having X. I finally gave up all my size 0 and 2 jeans. Seriously . .am I ever going to fit into them again? Lets all be honest.

I also got another bargain at forever 21. $7 jeans. Yes, you heard it, $7 jeans. the best part is that they are cute and fit!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Santa or daddy?

Last night Xavier and I sat on the couch looking over black Friday ads together. While glancing over the Bed Bath and Beyond ad, we ran across this

While pointing to Santa, I asked xavier "X,who is this?"
He responded "That's daddy."
I said "No, that's Santa."
He replied "NO MOMMY! That's daddy."
I then pointed to the snowman and said "OK, who is this?"
X said back "That's Santa. and that's daddy." while pointing at Santa
Sorry Javy, Xavier thinks Santa is you. I guess that's kind of cool right? I also think X is a bit confused about his X-Mas characters.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I will be consuming about 5000 calories and praying we have no meltdowns/accidents in the pants on this glorious day.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A disaster

Today at work was the family Thanksgiving, we all made a dish and I made a ham. It was delish. I made everyone going around and say what they were thankful for. I went first:
"I am thankful for my wonderful healthy, supportive family, and a great team to come to everyday at work."
The continued comments from over half of the team . ."ditto, what Tracy said."  . .I tell ya, kids these days!
I used the left over ham for dinner, and baked a sqaush with brown sugar and butter, baked potatoes, and croissants.
"These croissants are lame" I stated as I took the croissants out of the oven.
"Yeah they are, but I thought you were suppose to roll them up" replied Javy
"Oh crap, yeah you are." I said back
Please take note. This is a very important step when making croissants. You must roll them up. They will come out "lame" and burnt on the bottom. CRAP!

Xavier took a moment out of his busy night, after I gave him the "30 minutes till bedtime countdown, make it fun" to lay with daddy and cross his legs. I have never seen him cross his legs before, i thought it was cute so I snapped a pic.

Javy looks stressed or tired, or maybe he is mad over my damaged croissants. Please notice the budlight hanging from his hand, I find this classy. Also note the tiger and lion in X's hands, these show up in 9 out of 10 pictures of Xavier.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A winter day

Great, groundbreaking news . . . (not including the eva longoria divorce, or the fact that Jessica Simpson may be preggo) The X-mas station is not up and playing!!I found this out the night our x-mas tree went up. We blasted some "Feliz Navidad" kicked on the fireplace and got our new tree up. Folks, this is the first tree I have had in about 6 years, to say the least I was excited. On that note, I don't care that my tree is up before thanksgiving, I couldn't wait any longer.

My favorite ball is the green one. Javy's is the purple or blue. I can't wait to fill our tree with all the cheesy crafty decorations that X will make at school someday.

X felt the need to have his trucks watch the tree. I am not allowed to move them, so there they will sit, watching our tree. He's a interesting kid . .
It was 2 hours past X's bedtime of 8pm. He was up and running, being crazy. I needed some relaxing time with no dinosaurs or cars, so after we convinced X to go to sleep (this is never easy), I made Javy and I one of these gems.
Apparently one of a few things happened:
1) Javy didn't like it
2) I made too much
3) Javy gt tired and forgot to drink it
His was left in the frig the next day, really, do you think he will really drink it 2 days later after it has been sitting the frig? This goes back to the never waste a fry blog . .

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Underground Line dancing

Last night was ladies night with the girls from the neighborhood. I look forwad to this night all month. This time we went to Robin's to eat and be merry. Here is a glimpse of all the amazing food we ate. PS. on that table is jalenpeno, cheese pancakes that you dip in ranch. OMG good.
This was a winter sangria and it was dangerously amazing

After eating, drinking and feeling ready to get down with our bad selves, we went to the Electric Cowboy, a local county bar 1.5 minutes from our hood were all Westminster's finest go. This place is fun for a few reasons:
1) Line dancing. These folks line danced to everything from 50 cent, Kesha, and like a G6. Who knew!! Now lets not get confused, after one try of me line dancing, I gave up. These people are crazy about it and good. Me, not so much. I will stick to fist pumping which I did.

2) Beers were $1.50 . .my tab was $4.50. This is always a good thing.
3) People watching here. I really want to know where these people come from. I had no idea Westminster had these types of people, from under dressed girls in their prom dress to old men with no teeth. They must crawl out of their secret homes on Friday nights after practicing line dancing to Paula Abdul all week. This has to be the case.
4) The kind of people who line danced. Was surprising!!! There was some gangsta guys who were good and barbie looking girls who were better. I guess I just had a different image.

When I wasn't fist pumping, I found myself in a trance watching these people line dance. I was probably the creeper of the bar. Seriously, who knew a country club could be so much fun.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A new bathroom

For anyone that knows my home, it is not kid proof. We have taught Xavier to only play in one area and not touch anything on shelves. I like my house neat, orderly and with as few toys as possible. A huge step for me has recently been taken. Take a look at my downstairs bathroom:
Please note the pretty flower above the toilet and the porpoise grey walls that match perfectly with all the bathroom designs. Lets take a look at a few more things.
1) I have a sesame street toilet seat with a an Elmo and Big Bird swimming design
2) I have a cop car stool for easy access
3) I have no toilet paper b/c Xavier thinks he needs a whole roll when he is done peeing. (side note: the undone roll of toilet paper is in the top drawer to the left) I only say this in case you use this bathroom at my house and can't find the toilet paper.

Everyone needs a rice cooker

Tonight Javy went to buy a gun. Finally, we are safe from zombies, intruders, crazy neighbors, and anyone else who may enter our home uninvited. While he was out, and Xavier was grounded to his room for throwing a fit over a lollipop, I put this little treasure together.
Beijing beef, I had no clue what I was doing, but it smelled great. To go with the beefy delight I cooked up some rice. Who has one of these?
If you don't, go out and buy one, it's called a Tiger rice cooker. It is worth every penny for a few reasons:
1) it cooks rice perfectly every time
2) it cooks rice fast
3) it has gorgeous flower designs on it that you may have seen on your grandmothers comforter
I use this at least once per week, and never want to picture my life without it. EVER.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Never waste a Fry. Ever.

Let me tell you, I love my husband but, he sure is an interesting one. Tonight he made a chicken wing/tender feast. Xavier, ate all his food with minimal complaining except for 3 lonely french fries. I went to throw away these fries, but javy asked me to put them in his tupperwear of left overs for lunch tomorrow. Really? 3 french fries covered in ketchup and bleu cheese? I did what I was asked without question.

Javy also makes the best ice cream cones. I believe they are so good because they are made with love. I get frustrated that my cone is breaking, or ice cream is melting and give up on a quality cone.
 X was happy too. He rarely gets dessert because he rarely eats all his food with no complaining. Tonight was a treat.

Monday, November 15, 2010

An Epic Day

Today was many things:
1) An amazing, inspiring day at work. I truly love my job and my team.
2) A great dinner. Javy, X and I all went and had Pho at our fave Pho restaraunt down the street. We can only eat Pho in the winter when it is cold. It had been awhile and I was excited. I have mine with rare steak. Javy has his with every piece of the animal in it.
3)A succesfull trip to Ross ( I should pay rent here due to be being there every other day)  Xavier always gets a toy at Ross. Today he got cops cars and firetrucks.
Javy was excited too

4) A wonderful night with my fam. We came home and all sat by the fire. I sang Christmas songs since the Christmas station isn't playing on TV yet ("Chestnuts roasting over the open fire" to be exact).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Xavier and I spent the whole together while Javy was at his Hunters saftety course. Xavier must have got sick of me, he came to me and said "Bye Momma" he had his batman halloween bucket with his shoes in it. Apparently he was going somewhere without me.
To distract him a bit we had a photo shoot with his fave toys

I learned that this dinosaur is a triceratops.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

True story

True story. Last Christmas my wonderful mother got Javy and I a new knife set. We got it, opened it, and  put all the knives away. However, I was more excited about the chicken poker that came with the knives. I couldn't believe it, I finally had a chicken poker. Javy then informed me it was a knife sharpener. PS. what the heck would I use a chicken poker for? Why would anyone really need to poke a chicken? Who knows but I was excited.

Ahhh the weekend

Friday nights are the best nights. You get to stay up late and still have 2 more mornings to sleep in. Last night we went to the Velazquez home, drank beer and played every version possible of apples to apples. It was a good time.

Javy offered to wake up early with X so I could sleep in. I slept in until 9am which was glorious. I immediantly woke up and put together beef stew in the crock pot. This is one of my faves.

While getting the above gem together, I turned around to this.
Yes, this is Javy with a Mexican wrestling mask on scaring X

And this is Javy sitting there with the mask on and X chilling upside down.
Just another Saturday morning.

Friday, November 12, 2010

An average morning

Let me just break down my morning for you. Sometimes I feel like I am running around with my head cut off:

-6:30 am: Wake up call "Momma!!" Xavier is awake, I go into his room and convince him to go pee on the potty and spend a solid 15 mins with X picking out what car underwear to wear. I then go on a frantick shearch for a shirt with no tag (he hates tags) and refuses to wear em lately.

-Ok, X is dressed, bladder is empty. I set him up with a movie, blanket, pillow and pile of dinosaurs. This should keep him content for some time

- 7am. 10 minute shower. This morning in the shower I thought about when Trader Joes is coming to Denver. Seriously . .this a great question.

- I get ready, blow dry hair, do make up and get dressed in 15 mins. Yes folks I spend 25 mins tops getting ready in the morning. Good timing eh?

- I make the bed. I love going to bed at night when it's made.

- During the time I have stepped out of the shower and make the bed I have ran downstairs (after xavier yells "Momma" 10 times) approx. 3 times to pretend that dinosuars are eating eachother. Xavier loves when I play this with him. A bit morbid I think.

- Ok, time to go. Every morning Xavier fights with me to get on his shoes and jacket. I have to bribe him in one way or another. This morning, I told him he could show his new "Roar" to Olivia and Dylan (his daycare buddies). This worked great. he was ready to hit the road. In which he really does go to the road and hit it.

- Xavier insist on feeding Chuck and slamming the door on him.

-We are in the car where we search for busses, cop cars, and trucks like daddy's.

-Drop X off at daycare (where I beg for a kiss everyday) and head to work. I get to work at 8am.

-Now I am tired, and I just got to work.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another night in Paradise

I bought Javy a GI Joe ice cream cake for his birthday. Why? I went to DQ at 5pm, there wasn't much of a selection. I got a kick out out of it, Xavier just kept saying "ohh my". I made the famous Velazquez tacos. What's in it. Hold onto your shoes everyone, shredded chicken, cheese and mashed potatoes are whats in. Crazy I know, but these Velazquez folks are a bit crazy and they come up with amazing food. Javy used to have this growing up and he loves it.

I spent my night clearing grease from the tacos off the stove and table. Javy spent his night studying for the hunters safety course.

Xavier spent his night on a cake and skittle sugar high. Literally bouncin off the couches. He was funny. Look at that butt chin, he gets that from Javy.

Events of the day

Xavier ate skittles for the first time tonight. He thanked me about 10 times while eating. What a polite boy I have. He often says thank you for no reason, I still say "you're welcome" even though i have no idea what he is thankful for. Skittles are a legit reason to be thankful. He put them all in his mouth at once and sucked on them. I prefer eating the red ones first, but I won't judge.


Xavier loved the movie  Ponyo at one point in his life, than we played it too much and he got bored. I decided to give it another whirl this morning. Yes! He loves it again. I must admit I enjoy it too. It is a childrens animae film ( I hate animae) but it has a cute story + the main character looks just like my neice who is pretty darn cute.

A Birthday!

Today is Javy's 31st birthday. I wanted to throw a party, or go out to eat. He wants to relax at home with his family and have a home cooked meal, sweet huh? I am making his fav. tacos . . fried (because everything is better fried) The best part of the tacos is the red onions. You slice em up, smother them in lime juice and hot pepper flakes, and let sit for a few hours. This gets them nice and marinated and soft + the hwole house gets to smeill like onions for a good 2 solid days. Delish.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The next morning Xavier wakes up around 7am as usual. I normally get hungry and ready to cook up a b-fast feast around 9am. I send Xavier on a mission to wake up daddy. Once I know Xavier is in our room, yelling at Javy to get up, I follow behind like I had no idea Xavier was upstairs waking daddy up. This works everytime. Anywho, Javy rolls over and asked if he was bleeding, to say the least . .he was.

An exhausting day

I walk into Xavier's room 2 nights ago to find this. Reason #2 why i swear he is my son, he can sleep on a floor. I sometimes think I would sleep best on the floor.

Nothing less than an event

A blog? Why you may ask? This crazy life of mine is sometimes a reality show with a little inspriartion mixed into the madness. Maybe some of you can learn something from me, and I can learn from you. The stories you are about to read are real . .
Day 1 of blog. Just another eventful morning in the Velazquez house. Xavier wakes up, I ask him the same 2 questions every morning. Here were todays answers:
How did you sleep? Good?: Xavier's answer: "ummmmm . .nope"
OK . .we are off to a great start
What did you dream about? Tell me what you thought about when you slept: Xavier's answer- "daddy and butter."
Yes, Xavier is obsessed with butter, not eating it, but thinking about it. He sees butter on the side of the road, in the car, and apparently now in his dreams. He is truly my son. I do love butter.

It is approxamately 8pm and I am ready for Xavier to get to bed. Whooping cough mixed with terrible twos mixed with some teething is creating a grouchy mommy too. Plus . .I need to catch up on my Real Housewives of Atlanta.