Friday, December 31, 2010

A whale, stickers and toast

X wanted to do 2 things this morning.
1) Put on his whale shirt and show Mari. He likes whale and once pointed to the Tv when there was a whale on it and yelled "Moma!" Thanks X, I already know I need to drop a few lbs.
2) Put as many stickers on his face as possible. He was over it in about 30 secs when they all fell off.
3) eat chocolate toast (toast with nutella on it) I let him. Why? Because he is a kid and should be able to eat nutella at 7am right? I mean, that is what got me to 25 lbs overweight.

kitchen crap

I just have one question, how the hell can I get my dish sponge not to smell like a dead bunny? Seriously, I just opened one and it already smells. Those things are pricey!!! I even squeeze out as much water as possible before retiring doing dishes for the night. Any suggestions?

This is redic.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Spolied spolied spolied

Xavier is spolied. Plain and simple spoiled. Mama Rosa (Javy's mom) bought X a gigantic Buzz that he can hardly even pick up.
When Xavier found out that he was going to get a "big Buzz" because he broke his small buzz we had the following conversation while he was on the potty:
"MOMA!! A big buzz, I broke baby buzz. Big buzz, big buzz, I broke baby buzz." Xavie repeats this a few times before saying "Moma, please leave."
I shut the door, and left him to his peace. Soon after he got his big Buzz
Where were these toys when we were kids?

You gotta do what you gotta do

What do 2 dads do with 2 toddlers when they decide to go to the park with one stroller and no moms? Please see below
They make one very uncomfortable by having the legs open as wide as possible, and the other one about to fall out the front. However, X does seem quite happy.

While was getting this piece of work together I was at the house drinking "blue moon abbey street" and eating pizza with Kristin. Ya know, just your typical Wednesday afternoon.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A few highlights from 2010

2010 was a great year, here are a few highlights

1) We bought a beautiful home in the best neighborhood on earth.

2) My baby turned 2. No more baby, I have a toddler!

3) I chopped off my fine long hair into a cute new bob

4) I purchased the car of my dreams

5)We went camping with X for the first time

6) I went on a slip and side for the first time in about 15 years

7) We got X on a skatboard for the first time

I seriously have been blessed with the most amazing boys in my life who make everyday the best.

We got to spend the summer with a special girl who i call my neice Marisela. She was awesome!

We went tubing for the first time and I near lost my contacts out of my eyes

Xavier went on a boat for the first time, he LOVES boats

We saw some amazing views in Colorado, the Rockies are spectacular!!
I lost 2 cents at Black Hawk, and got to do it with my wonderful mom

Xavier started to fall into his little personality, which will someday be the class clown.

Cheers to 2011 everyone!!

A few Christmas decorations

Remember growing up how your Christmas tree and Christmas decor consisted of all of your hand made crafts as a kid? Well, that is what my house is turning into and I only have a 2 year old. Here is a few pics of what we got:
Santa has a green beard. I asked xavier what color my teeth were and he said green. Awesome

Mader the Christmas tow truck. X loves him and would wear his Mader underwear everyday if I let him be that disgusting.

Xavier's gingerbread house. He thinks it's a bird house. I also caught him with a m outh full of candy last night before bed from this house. I made him spit it out.

An advent calender. We got this late in the month so Xavier and I shoved down 13 pieces of chocolate. This was a mistake, because now Xavier thinks he gets a crap ton of chocoloate. When I give him one he is pissed at me. I have a feeling this will be the story of my life for about 18 more years.
This doesn't have a ton of cheesy decor on it yet. See me in 5 years and we will see how it looks.

Boys . .seriously

I wonder how many times a day I say I need to have a girl next. Let me tell you about Xavier's bathroom habits:
1) He says . .no wai . .t he yells at me even if I am next to him "Momma, pooo!!"
2) He runs into the bathroom and talks about his Elmo toilet seat as I get this whole process of pooping prepared
3) X wants all of his clothes off. Shirt comes off, pants and underwear. Sometimes he likes his socks on, sometimes he likes them off
4) He asked for a book to read. I have a stack of high class books next to the toilet which is now called a potty including:
Big trucks
Things that go
Big Dinosaurs
around the world colors
5) He normally takes one toy into the bathroom with him that he reads to
6) Ok, I close the door and don't hear from X for about 20 mins. Sometimes he reads the whole time, sometimes he sings a bit, sometimes he sits there in silence. When he is done he screams "all done"

Now lets backtrack, what girl has these kind of potty habits?

Mom and X weekend

X and I did a few things worth writing in a blog about while Javy was off trying to shoot a deer. (which by the way was not a success).
1) We went to the neighbors to decorate cookies. I've gotta tell ya, all the sugar that was being placed on Xavier cookies stressed me out a bit. Then I had a few beers and got over it.
Xavier was so happy. Or he may have just been on an epic sugar high
He probably ate more raw dough than anything which I was stessing about some more. Than I had a few more beers and got over it again

I made that cookie that looks like X. At least I think it looks like X, you may think it looks like a smiley face with black horns coming from it's head.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Some highlights from Maine

1) Getting a sniff of the beach. You forget how great it is. Xavier told me he was scared of the beach

2) Harris Farm and watching X chase chickens. Mom thought the chickens would attack. I said, oh well, it will teach him a lesson

3) Seeing family. I sure do miss everyone living so far away. I miss them a lot.

4) Watching X and keenan play together, they played so good and Keenan is so cute. It makes me sad that they won't grow up together

5) Getting out of the house with no screaming toddler and enjoying a maine brew.
I do miss Maine a lot. However, this was the first time I felt at home when we got back to Denver, we have made a good home for ourselves here.

A few items up for discussion

Here is a few items up for discussion:

1) X picked out Toy Story Mac and Cheese for dinner. I put ham in it for some protein. The only way i could X to eat it was to tell him "X, look, you're eating Buzz and woody." This worked. He is a interesting child.

2) I made this lovely centerpiece for my kitchen table with pine cones. I love it, but I really think it is starting to make my house smell like BO or just plain ole crap. When you stiff it up close it is joyful, far away . .not so much.

3) I made Chocolate eclair cake for my manager X-mas partay. Which by the way I partied like it was going out of style. This thing is a delight which is why it is half gone. It took about 10 mins to make which makes it even better


Today was the day, the day that took 4 and 1/2 years to come. 4 and 1/2 years ago I got married to Mr. Javier Velazquez in Las Vegas. Today, I changed my last name to Velazquez. A lot of people ask me 1 of the following questions:

1) Have you not chnaged your last name because your afraid your getting divorced?
2) Do you like your last name Burgess
3)Do you dislike the last name Velazquez

Here is the answer: I have been 100% lazy for the last who's really counting year to get my newly large butt to the social security office. That's it, that simple. I pictured 8 hours of waiting around in a small office running out of games to play on my phone. The reality is that it took 45 mins.

Why did I finally decide to chnage my last name you ask? Everything is under Velazquez, except for my work e-mail. At work, no one really know what to call me, Tracy B or V? I made a pledge to my boss to have it changed by today.

Urrgghh at least it's done :) 
This Jav and I for our wedding pics. I love that man.

Friday, December 3, 2010

On a jet plane

Woo hoo. I am in need of a vacation, like Britney Spears is in need of a new weave. Today, we are hopping on one of our beloved Southwest planes and headed to Boston. Xavier is going through a phase, where gets really excited and yells:
"A plane, a bomb!" he yells this a few times before he finishes, and gets back to making his dinosaurs eat eachother. Now, I am not sure if he really is saying "A bomb" but it sure does sound like it. I will need him to not say this on the plane. This is for sure grounds to get kicked off a plane these days.

Only in my brain

Xavier was a cranky hot mess this morning. He loves juice and he loves his toy story cups.  . . .
As I tried tickling Xavier, or hiding from him to get him to smile I asked:
"Xavier, do you want Woody Juice?" (referring to juice in his Woody cup) I realized this sounded horrible, I corrected myself
"I mean, do you want juice from a woody?" (Xavier puts an "A" infront of everything, I figured I would) This sounded even worse. I corrected myself again
"X, do you want juice from your cup?"

I am going to stick with calling a sippy cup a "cup" not a "woody." and try to be a bit more appropriate infront of my child.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sharp tooth?

Xavier got mad at me this morning. He brought me to his toy box.
Whiling tearing through it he said "Mommy, arp oo!"
I asked "huh? Hippo?"
He said "NO ARP OO"
I had no idea what this meant and this makes X mad. I start looking through his toy box with holding up every toy I come across hoping it's the "Arp Oo"
Finally I get to the T-Rex. "Is this it?" I ask
"YES MOMA" X replies as he grabs it from my hands and runs off.

I ask javy what "Arp oo" means and id he has ever heard it.
Javy says "Yeah, he is saying Sharp Tooth, like in land before time."

Well . .I missed that memo

A bittersweet Saturday

I did it. The dreaded Black Friday shopping. Javy, X and I hit the roads at about 10am to see what we could get our hands on. I would like to share my deals with you:
2Qt Crock pot: $5
Griddle: $10
Buzz 12' action figure " $12
Woody 12' action figure : $12
Shop Vac :$40
Pillow Pet : $8
Thomas set: $20
I was pleased. What was I
most pleased with you ask? The griddle.

This thing is magic. Pure Magic. This french toast . .did not stick once, and i didn't use any non sticking crap. Eggs, no stick,, bacon, no stick. Holy Lord, this thing is genius. This is what $10 bucks can get ya folks . .go get one.

After I played with my griddle for awhile I decided to clean out my closet. If anyone is looking for a good free workout, this is it. I was sweating like a cow in heat. I decided not to dwell on the past and cry about how much weight I have gained and how much my body chnaged after having X. I finally gave up all my size 0 and 2 jeans. Seriously . .am I ever going to fit into them again? Lets all be honest.

I also got another bargain at forever 21. $7 jeans. Yes, you heard it, $7 jeans. the best part is that they are cute and fit!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Santa or daddy?

Last night Xavier and I sat on the couch looking over black Friday ads together. While glancing over the Bed Bath and Beyond ad, we ran across this

While pointing to Santa, I asked xavier "X,who is this?"
He responded "That's daddy."
I said "No, that's Santa."
He replied "NO MOMMY! That's daddy."
I then pointed to the snowman and said "OK, who is this?"
X said back "That's Santa. and that's daddy." while pointing at Santa
Sorry Javy, Xavier thinks Santa is you. I guess that's kind of cool right? I also think X is a bit confused about his X-Mas characters.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I will be consuming about 5000 calories and praying we have no meltdowns/accidents in the pants on this glorious day.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A disaster

Today at work was the family Thanksgiving, we all made a dish and I made a ham. It was delish. I made everyone going around and say what they were thankful for. I went first:
"I am thankful for my wonderful healthy, supportive family, and a great team to come to everyday at work."
The continued comments from over half of the team . ."ditto, what Tracy said."  . .I tell ya, kids these days!
I used the left over ham for dinner, and baked a sqaush with brown sugar and butter, baked potatoes, and croissants.
"These croissants are lame" I stated as I took the croissants out of the oven.
"Yeah they are, but I thought you were suppose to roll them up" replied Javy
"Oh crap, yeah you are." I said back
Please take note. This is a very important step when making croissants. You must roll them up. They will come out "lame" and burnt on the bottom. CRAP!

Xavier took a moment out of his busy night, after I gave him the "30 minutes till bedtime countdown, make it fun" to lay with daddy and cross his legs. I have never seen him cross his legs before, i thought it was cute so I snapped a pic.

Javy looks stressed or tired, or maybe he is mad over my damaged croissants. Please notice the budlight hanging from his hand, I find this classy. Also note the tiger and lion in X's hands, these show up in 9 out of 10 pictures of Xavier.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A winter day

Great, groundbreaking news . . . (not including the eva longoria divorce, or the fact that Jessica Simpson may be preggo) The X-mas station is not up and playing!!I found this out the night our x-mas tree went up. We blasted some "Feliz Navidad" kicked on the fireplace and got our new tree up. Folks, this is the first tree I have had in about 6 years, to say the least I was excited. On that note, I don't care that my tree is up before thanksgiving, I couldn't wait any longer.

My favorite ball is the green one. Javy's is the purple or blue. I can't wait to fill our tree with all the cheesy crafty decorations that X will make at school someday.

X felt the need to have his trucks watch the tree. I am not allowed to move them, so there they will sit, watching our tree. He's a interesting kid . .
It was 2 hours past X's bedtime of 8pm. He was up and running, being crazy. I needed some relaxing time with no dinosaurs or cars, so after we convinced X to go to sleep (this is never easy), I made Javy and I one of these gems.
Apparently one of a few things happened:
1) Javy didn't like it
2) I made too much
3) Javy gt tired and forgot to drink it
His was left in the frig the next day, really, do you think he will really drink it 2 days later after it has been sitting the frig? This goes back to the never waste a fry blog . .