Friday, December 17, 2010


Today was the day, the day that took 4 and 1/2 years to come. 4 and 1/2 years ago I got married to Mr. Javier Velazquez in Las Vegas. Today, I changed my last name to Velazquez. A lot of people ask me 1 of the following questions:

1) Have you not chnaged your last name because your afraid your getting divorced?
2) Do you like your last name Burgess
3)Do you dislike the last name Velazquez

Here is the answer: I have been 100% lazy for the last who's really counting year to get my newly large butt to the social security office. That's it, that simple. I pictured 8 hours of waiting around in a small office running out of games to play on my phone. The reality is that it took 45 mins.

Why did I finally decide to chnage my last name you ask? Everything is under Velazquez, except for my work e-mail. At work, no one really know what to call me, Tracy B or V? I made a pledge to my boss to have it changed by today.

Urrgghh at least it's done :) 
This Jav and I for our wedding pics. I love that man.

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