Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boys . .seriously

I wonder how many times a day I say I need to have a girl next. Let me tell you about Xavier's bathroom habits:
1) He says . .no wai . .t he yells at me even if I am next to him "Momma, pooo!!"
2) He runs into the bathroom and talks about his Elmo toilet seat as I get this whole process of pooping prepared
3) X wants all of his clothes off. Shirt comes off, pants and underwear. Sometimes he likes his socks on, sometimes he likes them off
4) He asked for a book to read. I have a stack of high class books next to the toilet which is now called a potty including:
Big trucks
Things that go
Big Dinosaurs
around the world colors
5) He normally takes one toy into the bathroom with him that he reads to
6) Ok, I close the door and don't hear from X for about 20 mins. Sometimes he reads the whole time, sometimes he sings a bit, sometimes he sits there in silence. When he is done he screams "all done"

Now lets backtrack, what girl has these kind of potty habits?

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