Sunday, December 26, 2010

A few highlights from 2010

2010 was a great year, here are a few highlights

1) We bought a beautiful home in the best neighborhood on earth.

2) My baby turned 2. No more baby, I have a toddler!

3) I chopped off my fine long hair into a cute new bob

4) I purchased the car of my dreams

5)We went camping with X for the first time

6) I went on a slip and side for the first time in about 15 years

7) We got X on a skatboard for the first time

I seriously have been blessed with the most amazing boys in my life who make everyday the best.

We got to spend the summer with a special girl who i call my neice Marisela. She was awesome!

We went tubing for the first time and I near lost my contacts out of my eyes

Xavier went on a boat for the first time, he LOVES boats

We saw some amazing views in Colorado, the Rockies are spectacular!!
I lost 2 cents at Black Hawk, and got to do it with my wonderful mom

Xavier started to fall into his little personality, which will someday be the class clown.

Cheers to 2011 everyone!!

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