Sunday, December 26, 2010

A few Christmas decorations

Remember growing up how your Christmas tree and Christmas decor consisted of all of your hand made crafts as a kid? Well, that is what my house is turning into and I only have a 2 year old. Here is a few pics of what we got:
Santa has a green beard. I asked xavier what color my teeth were and he said green. Awesome

Mader the Christmas tow truck. X loves him and would wear his Mader underwear everyday if I let him be that disgusting.

Xavier's gingerbread house. He thinks it's a bird house. I also caught him with a m outh full of candy last night before bed from this house. I made him spit it out.

An advent calender. We got this late in the month so Xavier and I shoved down 13 pieces of chocolate. This was a mistake, because now Xavier thinks he gets a crap ton of chocoloate. When I give him one he is pissed at me. I have a feeling this will be the story of my life for about 18 more years.
This doesn't have a ton of cheesy decor on it yet. See me in 5 years and we will see how it looks.

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