Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Meal ideas for the working mom

So lets chat about a few things:

  1.  it's not easy being a mom
  2. it's not easy being a mom, while working full time
  3. it's not easy being a mom, while working full time while trying to loose baby weight
I'm here to make it easy. I want to introduce to you some daytime snacks/meals that helped me loose the weight without feeling completely starving out of my mind. 

Breakfast. I make a huge breakfast every weekend for everyone in my family  . . .but me. I cook up the eggs, stuffed french toast (recipe to come), home fries, toast, bacon and sausage. If I am feeling CRAZY I may cut up some fruit too.  Everyone says breakfast is the most important meal, it is, eat it . .it will fill you up and prevent snacking. Below is my a few of my breakfasts of choice:
  1. 2 scrambled egg whites with a table spoon of cheddar cheese, 1 slice of deli ham and a tad of salt and pepper
  2. 1 cup Kellogs fruit and yogurt cereal with a half cup milk (I use to be able to eat at least 5 cups of cereal, I could eat it non stop. Give yourself 30 days of eating just 1 cup, your body will get use to it.)
  3.  Brown sugar and maple oatmeal with water

Lunch. I work like a maniac, and hardly take a full deserved, sit down lunch. Normally I am eating at my desk while approving files, crunching numbers or making the next big decision. Here are a few options on what I shove down my throat real quick.
  1. Lean cuisine. Frozen meat freaks me out.I only eat them with no meat. I went on a Lean Cuisine only diet one time and lost 15 lbs. These bad boys are good. (These run about 7 points- when I am not breast feeding, I definitely won't have enough points for this)
  2. Half of a turkey, provolone sandwich on wheat (my least fav. lunch, super boring)
  3. Stuffed grape leaves from Costco. My service manager introduced me to these. They are $9.99 for a million of them and they are only 2 points per stuffed delight. This is my new addiction.

Snacks. I eat one snack a few hours after breakfast and 1 snack a few hours after lunch. I think about 20 snacks during the day. The key is to ONLY eat 2 :-)

  1. Fage greek yogurt. (Strawberry is my fave) Plain greek yogurt freaks me out too, is it the texture? I don't know, but Fage is the BEST ONE EVER
  2. Fiber one bar (90 Calories)- I eat this as a morning snack and it holds me up for hours at only 2 points
  3. Pepperidge Farm cracker chips- you can eat a ton of these for about 2 points. Yes please.
  4. Fruit. Zero points. Hell yes. Give me a vine of grapes, an apple orchard, and a pear tree. Done.

I don't make anything weight water friendly.  I cook for my family and what they crave. I simply only eat 1 portion size and make sure I have eaten good all day if I know my dinner may be a little on the higher fat side.

Bring snacks with you to work. Don't take temptation. Plan your eating for the day ahead of time. It's that easy. 

Go get em tigers.

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