Saturday, August 25, 2012

A new year, a new baby, a new me!

Holy Lord, how has it been 1 year since I have posted on this? Lets chat about a few things about what this blog will now be:

  1.  A place where I will share my recipes. I cook almost every night, almost a new meal each night. I am married to a mexican man, he has high expectations, I try to live up to them . .
  2.  A place where I will review the latest goods. I am a sucker for buying the newest cleaners, cutest dish sponges, and softest blankets. I will let you know what I think of them straight from my unfiltered mouth.
  3. A place where I will share stories of my CRAZY life with a surfer dude hunting husband, a super hero crazed 4 year old and over sized, plump 9 month old baby girl. 
  4. Weight loss tips and secrets. I recently lost 65 lbs. I spent a great deal of time googling where exactly weight goes when you loose it. It's pretty disgusting, so I will just tell you how I lost my weight minus the gross the parts of it. 
Now for a quick thought. There is 2 things magnificent with this picture. 
  1. The iPad. This is he perfect tool for a 4 year old. We let Xavier use it before bed and right when he wakes up for about 30 mins each time . .or when he won't stop talking and mommy and daddy need some quiet time to watch American Horror Story. I had to ban youtube from it because he was watching cussing spiderman kidnapping old ladies.
  2. The gumdrop iPad case. This thing is hurricane proof. I am pretty sure if we run it over it won't break. Genius.

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