Sunday, August 26, 2012

A buck!

Lets talk about my husband, Mr. Javier Velazquez Garcia Jr. This guy is is quite the man. When I met Javy he was a Caifornian surfer dude from San Diego, not a care in the world except when his next big wave was coming.

Now fast forward 8 years. My surfer dude has transformed into a wonderful father, supportive husband and . . .natural born killer. He has somehow became this redneck mountain man with a 5 o'clock shadow, occasional beard or handle bars, with a camouflage hurley hat. Turn off the Sublime and throw on that Alan Jackson.

I find us getting more and more redneck by the minute. Last night Javy and our neighbor hosed down a deer carcus in the front driveway, and skinned it right here in a garage in the suburbs of Westminster. I have never seen Javy more excited about anything but this beast. Rumor has it he screamed like a school girl when he shot it. I have heard the story on how he got this deer 4 times now, and I can't wait to hear him tell it again.

Now I can't give you any tips on how to skin a deer, I was too intrigued by the amount of ticks crawling on this thing to pay any attention. .IT WAS NUTS! PS. did anyone know a deers ears were this big? I sure didn't. Now we need to decide where this deer head is going in my picture perfect cozy home.

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