Saturday, January 1, 2011

A few questions from NYE 2010

Last night I went out with the crew, and left the babies to drive Mama Rosa bonkers. I do have a few unanswered questions from the night:

1) How can a restaurant called "Que Bueno" during the day turn into such a cool night club called "Ultra Sheer" at night? PS this is not to be confused with "Ultra sheer nightgowns" thats comes up if you google it.
2) Why did I walk outside with no jacket or shoes on during 0 degree weather looking for Javy. My feet are still numb.
3) Why did I make this face in every pic? Seriously, I hate when girls make the kissy face. Who did I think I was? This is horrid. I might as well of gone into a bathroom to take pics of myself from my mobile phone and then upload to facebook. This would of been equally as horrid and disgraceful.
4) How is it possible to sweat so much within 30 minutes of going to a bar? I seriously was one hot sweaty mess. I was sweating more than a cow in heat.
5) How the heck did Kristen get my hair to look so hot? Hair stylist always make your hair look great. Than you get home, do it yourself and it looks worse than when Lindsey Lohan dyed hers blonde.
6) Where did this hat come from? I woke up in the middle of the night and thought my mom in law brought me a puke bucket. I was so happy. I then woke up a bit more coherent and realized it was the hat upside down.
7) Why did I switch from my drink of choice of beer (that I was drinking all night) To gin and tonics? Seriously Javy, how did you let me do that. I will blame Javy for why I spent the first part of my day praying to the toilet god..

Happy 2011! I sure had fun :)

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