Sunday, January 9, 2011

A piece of Shark Heaven

I was looking for an easier way to clean my floors because a swiffer isn't easy enough apparently. I found and heard good reviews of the shark steam mop. Being a woman of last minute extreme purchases without thinking it through, I bought it.

I waited until my floors were nice and dirty (seriously, I saved up about 2 weeks of dirt for this) and then I found myself in so much excitement before i mopped yesterday. This bring me to another note>
Maybe I should let mywhole house get dirty and gross so I can get excited about cleaning it? Maybe not.

Ok. Here is my review. This thing is a gem! A piece of heaven, brought to us by baby Jesus! The new love of my life! I LOVE it! My floors have never been cleaner, and it was SO easy and no chemicals, just water! Who invented this? I need to send them a thank you note.

I made Javy look at the floors and tell me how good they looked. He did.

Near death on Quay Loop

Today, Javy went shooting with our dear friend and neighbor dave. They like to do manly things together which include the following:
1) Drink Beer
2) Watch sports
3) shoot things
4) hunt
5) take long walks on the beach with a kitten at their shoulder
Anyway, back to the story. Javy got home from a nice long day of shooting in a rather good mood. I walk downstairs, fresh out of the shower to Dave and Javy enjoying a brew. Javy pulls out a large box with a bow inside. He told me he bought a new bow for $ 645. I stayed calm outside. Inside, I was a ball of fire about to explode.
Before exploding, I verified a good 5 time by pinky swearing that the bow was Javy's. The answer was Yes. Immediantly thoughts started running through my head of how Javy just goes and buys this without me knowing.
I then veriy another 5 times that the bow is Javy's. Again, yes it is. Javy never breaks a pinky swear. The guys then realize I am looking stressed and pissed. They tell me the whole truth:
The bow is Javy's but he got it for a Qtr of the cost on sale.

I wonder if Javy's life flashed infront of his eyes, because I came near close to killing him. J/K I still love him.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A few questions from NYE 2010

Last night I went out with the crew, and left the babies to drive Mama Rosa bonkers. I do have a few unanswered questions from the night:

1) How can a restaurant called "Que Bueno" during the day turn into such a cool night club called "Ultra Sheer" at night? PS this is not to be confused with "Ultra sheer nightgowns" thats comes up if you google it.
2) Why did I walk outside with no jacket or shoes on during 0 degree weather looking for Javy. My feet are still numb.
3) Why did I make this face in every pic? Seriously, I hate when girls make the kissy face. Who did I think I was? This is horrid. I might as well of gone into a bathroom to take pics of myself from my mobile phone and then upload to facebook. This would of been equally as horrid and disgraceful.
4) How is it possible to sweat so much within 30 minutes of going to a bar? I seriously was one hot sweaty mess. I was sweating more than a cow in heat.
5) How the heck did Kristen get my hair to look so hot? Hair stylist always make your hair look great. Than you get home, do it yourself and it looks worse than when Lindsey Lohan dyed hers blonde.
6) Where did this hat come from? I woke up in the middle of the night and thought my mom in law brought me a puke bucket. I was so happy. I then woke up a bit more coherent and realized it was the hat upside down.
7) Why did I switch from my drink of choice of beer (that I was drinking all night) To gin and tonics? Seriously Javy, how did you let me do that. I will blame Javy for why I spent the first part of my day praying to the toilet god..

Happy 2011! I sure had fun :)