Monday, November 22, 2010

A winter day

Great, groundbreaking news . . . (not including the eva longoria divorce, or the fact that Jessica Simpson may be preggo) The X-mas station is not up and playing!!I found this out the night our x-mas tree went up. We blasted some "Feliz Navidad" kicked on the fireplace and got our new tree up. Folks, this is the first tree I have had in about 6 years, to say the least I was excited. On that note, I don't care that my tree is up before thanksgiving, I couldn't wait any longer.

My favorite ball is the green one. Javy's is the purple or blue. I can't wait to fill our tree with all the cheesy crafty decorations that X will make at school someday.

X felt the need to have his trucks watch the tree. I am not allowed to move them, so there they will sit, watching our tree. He's a interesting kid . .
It was 2 hours past X's bedtime of 8pm. He was up and running, being crazy. I needed some relaxing time with no dinosaurs or cars, so after we convinced X to go to sleep (this is never easy), I made Javy and I one of these gems.
Apparently one of a few things happened:
1) Javy didn't like it
2) I made too much
3) Javy gt tired and forgot to drink it
His was left in the frig the next day, really, do you think he will really drink it 2 days later after it has been sitting the frig? This goes back to the never waste a fry blog . .

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