Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sharp tooth?

Xavier got mad at me this morning. He brought me to his toy box.
Whiling tearing through it he said "Mommy, arp oo!"
I asked "huh? Hippo?"
He said "NO ARP OO"
I had no idea what this meant and this makes X mad. I start looking through his toy box with holding up every toy I come across hoping it's the "Arp Oo"
Finally I get to the T-Rex. "Is this it?" I ask
"YES MOMA" X replies as he grabs it from my hands and runs off.

I ask javy what "Arp oo" means and id he has ever heard it.
Javy says "Yeah, he is saying Sharp Tooth, like in land before time."

Well . .I missed that memo

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