Friday, November 12, 2010

An average morning

Let me just break down my morning for you. Sometimes I feel like I am running around with my head cut off:

-6:30 am: Wake up call "Momma!!" Xavier is awake, I go into his room and convince him to go pee on the potty and spend a solid 15 mins with X picking out what car underwear to wear. I then go on a frantick shearch for a shirt with no tag (he hates tags) and refuses to wear em lately.

-Ok, X is dressed, bladder is empty. I set him up with a movie, blanket, pillow and pile of dinosaurs. This should keep him content for some time

- 7am. 10 minute shower. This morning in the shower I thought about when Trader Joes is coming to Denver. Seriously . .this a great question.

- I get ready, blow dry hair, do make up and get dressed in 15 mins. Yes folks I spend 25 mins tops getting ready in the morning. Good timing eh?

- I make the bed. I love going to bed at night when it's made.

- During the time I have stepped out of the shower and make the bed I have ran downstairs (after xavier yells "Momma" 10 times) approx. 3 times to pretend that dinosuars are eating eachother. Xavier loves when I play this with him. A bit morbid I think.

- Ok, time to go. Every morning Xavier fights with me to get on his shoes and jacket. I have to bribe him in one way or another. This morning, I told him he could show his new "Roar" to Olivia and Dylan (his daycare buddies). This worked great. he was ready to hit the road. In which he really does go to the road and hit it.

- Xavier insist on feeding Chuck and slamming the door on him.

-We are in the car where we search for busses, cop cars, and trucks like daddy's.

-Drop X off at daycare (where I beg for a kiss everyday) and head to work. I get to work at 8am.

-Now I am tired, and I just got to work.

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