Monday, October 1, 2012

Top items in a mom's oversized bag

Are you like me? Do you have a abnormally large purse that you "need for all your important things"? I took the time to empty my purse that I literally throw everything into. Here is what I discovered . . .

 Where do I even start? I must admit, I'm embarrassed. I have no organizational in my purse. When my phone rings I literally reach my hand in my purse and hope after feeling around for a few seconds I will eventually find it. If I miss your call, it's 99% of the time because I can't find my phone in my purse. I apologize now.

  • acid reflux medicine. I pop one of these suckers in on a few occasion. 1. Every few hours when I'm pregnant 2. When I eat chilli 3. When I drink wine. You wanna mess with me? Take my acid reflux medicine. It's on. 
  •  A nail file. I tend to break my nails every darn day. I file my nails like its going out of business. I want to get the shape just perfect. However, I file so much that  I screw up my nail shape and have to grow them bad out only to file the crap outta them again. 
  • One Black leather glove. Stop thinking I was somehow involved in the OJ Simpson trial. I didn't do it. I just have one leather glove. The other is in my diaper bag. Why? No idea. This will NOT come in handy during the cold Denver winter.
  •  A Netflix movie. My husband and I watch a Netflix movie and he puts it on the counter for me to remember to mail out. It takes me about 5 days to remember to remove it from the counter. I then place it in my purse where it waits another 5-10 days before making it to the mailbox. Fail.
  • A whole bunch of toothpaste. I have no clue why I have this much toothpaste in my purse. I never have used it. Maybe someday I will need it? Probably not, but it sure is handy eh?
  • A spongebob toy. MOM's out there, you never know when you need a random toy to keep a baby entertained right? Bob here does the trick. I keep him right by my side at all times. He comes out during melt downs at Target when I try to take both kids shopping with me so I can catch a sale. 

  •  Bills. I place a whole lot of bills in my purse so I remember to pay them. This technique is clearly not working . . look at them all! I also don't have online billing for hardly anything. I like to hold my monthly bills in my own hands. However, I get the bill, throw it in my purse and go online to see how much I owe. What is wrong with me?
  • A set of keys that I have no idea what they are for. I honestly have no clue what door these may open. Why do I have them you ask? I also don't know the answer to this questions. Random? Yes.
  • I always have a watch with me. If you know me, this is no surprise. I love watches.
  •  I ask for a hair tie about 20 times per day. Oh look. There is one in my purse. Sweet!
  •  My mini wallet. I lied on my license, so what? Judge me now. I was pregnant in this pic and said I was 110 lbs. Yeah right, who was I kidding? I also said I was 5'2. I am actually 5'2 and a 1/4. 

  • Chapstick. I got this bad boy for my birthday from Sephora. I love it. Living in Denver my lips are always chapped. I can't control it 97% of the time, but I do try. This stuff works.

This blog has inspired me to clean out my current purse and beg Javy for a newer, and bigger purse to hold my items that don't fit in this one.

What's in your purse? Do you have bad purse habits like me? Do you have a way that you organize your purse? Help me!!

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