Thursday, October 4, 2012

Making your house a home

I am a big fan of having a cozy, warm home. I don't just want a house. I want a place that my kids love coming home to, a place I look forward to coming to after a hard day at work. A place my family can call home. My last house was not a home. It was filled with random objects with no meaning. Our new home is different. Below is what sets my home apart from a house.

-Fill your home with pictures. On that note, take lots of pictures. You are going to want to remember these moments some day, have the pictures to look back on. I love framing pictures and reminiscing on our memories. See below, have you ever seen so many pics in one room? I'm obsessed.

- Have a table to eat dinner at each night. I will preach it again, having a dinner table that is not full of bills, and junk is great. Plain ole' great. I love eating together as a family.

-Decorate and fill your space! Fill your walls and corners of your home with art you love, pictures you want to remember, decorations that mean something to you! Make your home a family museum. Display souvenirs from places you have been, to hobbies you enjoy. Have fun decorating your home and making it "you". I actually want a new home with more wall space because I have filled up all of our current wall space.  PS. My husband decorated my entire house. He's a gem. A real keeper.

 - Decorate your kids room with pictures of family, artwork they have created and items they may be excited about. Make your kids room a fun place to go, not the dread "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" place. When Xavier draws something new we put it up on his wall, this gives him such a sense of pride! Xavier loves super heroes . .why not go all out and give him a room he loves playing in? He gets to be surrounded by super heroes!

- Spend time in your home. Make it your retreat. Love coming home. Cook in your kitchen, have family dinners and eat in your dining room, watch movies in you living room, sit and talk in your sitting room, let your kids play in their rooms. 

-Let your home be a place of gather. Spend time with your loved ones and friends in your home. Have fun when people come over  and stop apologizing for the "mess".

Forget the expensive furniture, the fancy chandelier, the top of the line appliances. Have fun making your house a home with the simple things in life. A little goes a long way in a house.

What are some of your ideas that made your house a home?                       


  1. Tracy, I love your home, what you've done with it, feel the love! You are special! Sandy

  2. Thanks! You need to come visit it sometime!
