Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Tree perfection

I am obsessed with many things in this lil life of mine. Let's name a few; my kids, Christmas trees, and pictures. Each year I have this GRAND vision of a magical picture in front of the tree. And low and behold . .continuous epic fail- every single year! This year I was determined to change this.

I am NO photographer (and I mean NO), but here are a few tips on how to take a picture in front of your Christmas tree to look like this.

  • I got my kids in the bath, into their warmest jammies and made them plain ole' happy and relaxed. I then bribed my son with candy to take a nice picture with his sister. 
  • You must have every light in the house off. Turn off the TV and close the blinds- the only light should be from the tree
  • Put your ISO as high as it will go, set the aperture at f 2.8, and shutter speed at 1/30.- BAM you're almost ready!
  • Put those little wild nuggets in front of the tree and somehow make them sit there and NOT touch the ornaments- this will be the hardest part.
  • Snap away (as quick as you can, those kids will move quick)!!!
My picture isn't perfect- but I think it captured the moment, the tree, and love between my son and his sister pretty well.

Now it's your turn to give it a try!!

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