Saturday, December 15, 2012

3 day cold sore

Ever since I can remember I have been getting cold sores, fever blisters, nasty painful sores call it what you want. I get em. I normally get them once -twice a year, when I'm stressed, get too much sun, or when my skin is extra dry in the winter.
See that cold sore below my lip- Cute dress, cute hair, cute lil smile. Ugly as heck cold sore.

I feel the tingle and I get scared. It's time for my semi annual cold sore. I've tried everything to get rid of these suckers, but they normally last 7-10 dreadful days. I've tried the following:

  • Abreva: Blah. This takes away the pain but that's about it., and for $20/microscopic tube. No thanks.
  • Carmex: Blah. Takes away the pain. Does absolutely for my cold sore
  • Popping the blisters. You need to do this carefully. One time I did this and received the worlds biggest cold sore covering my entire chin in return. A cold sore is a virus and if the popping is not done carefully the virus will spread. I repeat, the virus will spread!!!
  • L-Lysine: I heard that taking L-lysine worked, so I would take 3/day . .this did absolutely nothing- you must take MUCH more.
I haven't had a cold sore in about 2.5 years. I thought the birth of mu daughter must have magically cured me from my cold sores forever. Man, I live in a fantasy world sometime- they came back alright. This cold sore time around I believe I found the quickest cure! I am on my third day and it's just about gone. Follow the steps below.

  • When you feel the tingle immediately pop 3-4 L-lysine pills. L-Lysine can be found in the vitamin isle. This will be a gift from above for you during these 3 days. 

  • Go out and buy some Quantum L-Lysine +. This is about $10, I found it at my local Walgreens. Day one of cold sore, apply this like CRAZY. It will relive the pain fast and start working right away to diminish your sore. The box says apply every 2 hours, I applied it every 30 mins or so- just go ahead and glob it on, don't be shy. The first day your cold sore will be noticeable and people will stare at it. This is the day my husband looks at me and cringes inside. I hate this day.
  • During day one take 5000mg of L-lysine spread throughout the day. Most L-Lysine tablets come in 500mg, so take about 3-4 before each meal. If you feel like your taking too much then you are probably taking just enough.
  • Repeat these steps on day two and day three. Your cold sore will pretty much skip the crusted over scabbed over, nasty phase and just start to get smaller and smaller on its on. Take the L-lysine pills until your cold sore is completely gone. 
That's it! There is no popping, picking, creating sketchy concoctions, or spending too much money on products that don't work. This has worked for me and I hope it does for you too!

What are tips or tricks you have found to work? Please share, I'd love to hear!

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