Saturday, December 15, 2012

3 day cold sore

Ever since I can remember I have been getting cold sores, fever blisters, nasty painful sores call it what you want. I get em. I normally get them once -twice a year, when I'm stressed, get too much sun, or when my skin is extra dry in the winter.
See that cold sore below my lip- Cute dress, cute hair, cute lil smile. Ugly as heck cold sore.

I feel the tingle and I get scared. It's time for my semi annual cold sore. I've tried everything to get rid of these suckers, but they normally last 7-10 dreadful days. I've tried the following:

  • Abreva: Blah. This takes away the pain but that's about it., and for $20/microscopic tube. No thanks.
  • Carmex: Blah. Takes away the pain. Does absolutely for my cold sore
  • Popping the blisters. You need to do this carefully. One time I did this and received the worlds biggest cold sore covering my entire chin in return. A cold sore is a virus and if the popping is not done carefully the virus will spread. I repeat, the virus will spread!!!
  • L-Lysine: I heard that taking L-lysine worked, so I would take 3/day . .this did absolutely nothing- you must take MUCH more.
I haven't had a cold sore in about 2.5 years. I thought the birth of mu daughter must have magically cured me from my cold sores forever. Man, I live in a fantasy world sometime- they came back alright. This cold sore time around I believe I found the quickest cure! I am on my third day and it's just about gone. Follow the steps below.

  • When you feel the tingle immediately pop 3-4 L-lysine pills. L-Lysine can be found in the vitamin isle. This will be a gift from above for you during these 3 days. 

  • Go out and buy some Quantum L-Lysine +. This is about $10, I found it at my local Walgreens. Day one of cold sore, apply this like CRAZY. It will relive the pain fast and start working right away to diminish your sore. The box says apply every 2 hours, I applied it every 30 mins or so- just go ahead and glob it on, don't be shy. The first day your cold sore will be noticeable and people will stare at it. This is the day my husband looks at me and cringes inside. I hate this day.
  • During day one take 5000mg of L-lysine spread throughout the day. Most L-Lysine tablets come in 500mg, so take about 3-4 before each meal. If you feel like your taking too much then you are probably taking just enough.
  • Repeat these steps on day two and day three. Your cold sore will pretty much skip the crusted over scabbed over, nasty phase and just start to get smaller and smaller on its on. Take the L-lysine pills until your cold sore is completely gone. 
That's it! There is no popping, picking, creating sketchy concoctions, or spending too much money on products that don't work. This has worked for me and I hope it does for you too!

What are tips or tricks you have found to work? Please share, I'd love to hear!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Tree perfection

I am obsessed with many things in this lil life of mine. Let's name a few; my kids, Christmas trees, and pictures. Each year I have this GRAND vision of a magical picture in front of the tree. And low and behold . .continuous epic fail- every single year! This year I was determined to change this.

I am NO photographer (and I mean NO), but here are a few tips on how to take a picture in front of your Christmas tree to look like this.

  • I got my kids in the bath, into their warmest jammies and made them plain ole' happy and relaxed. I then bribed my son with candy to take a nice picture with his sister. 
  • You must have every light in the house off. Turn off the TV and close the blinds- the only light should be from the tree
  • Put your ISO as high as it will go, set the aperture at f 2.8, and shutter speed at 1/30.- BAM you're almost ready!
  • Put those little wild nuggets in front of the tree and somehow make them sit there and NOT touch the ornaments- this will be the hardest part.
  • Snap away (as quick as you can, those kids will move quick)!!!
My picture isn't perfect- but I think it captured the moment, the tree, and love between my son and his sister pretty well.

Now it's your turn to give it a try!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Family Winter fun

One of the many reasons I moved to Colorado was to experience all 4 seasons. Growing up in Maine, winters were brutal. You barely want to leave your house. I am so lucky being in Colorado you really get to enjoy winter- There is a frigid blizzard one day and the next people are outside walking their dog in flip flops. This is no joke. My husband just put on his flip flops on to go to Panera Bread. It's December 5th. My point exactly.

I love finding new things to do with my family on weekends. As much as my husband just wants to sit down and relax on a cold (or warm) winters day, there will be none of that in my house. You don't have to stay inside all winter and watch TV- get out there and enjoy this beautiful season with your family, or even find indoor activity to keep those young minds busy!

1) Go sledding. I have done my fair share of sledding in my day and trust me, the best sledding occurs right after it snows.  Find a local big or small hill, put on your warm bib snow pants from 1999, strap on those LL Bean boots, find a sled and hit the hills!! This is a favorite childhood memory of mine, your kids won't forget it. I don't really know who has more fun sledding, my kids or I? According to the this picture, I definitely have more fun. I swear your kids will like sledding- we just had a slight melt down here.

2) Go ice skating. Now, I'm not talking about going to your local rink- that's lame. Feel the real ambiance- Go somewhere outside. Here in Colorado the lakes don't freeze too great, so we go to a man made outside rink (I know of one in Boulder and one outside the Flatirons Mall) In Maine, we would go to the local ponds- this is ideal.

3. When you pass one of the 15 Starbucks down that 1 mile road. Stop. Go inside. Sit down, relax, and pay for a very over priced hot chocolate. This is such a special (and expensive) treat for the wee ones. Plus, I love every time I can justify stopping for a latte when I have 18 K-cups sitting at home- this is one of those times.

4. Pack up the car and go cruise around the suburbs to look at Christmas lights. I like to do my research and find the best places in Westminster to go (you can google this) I make a little map and proceed to ordering my husband around Westminster Colorado to the coolest homes. I also like to blast Christmas music way too loud to really get in the spirit of things.

5.  Go to a local museum or aquarium. Winter is the perfect time of year to take advantage of those inside activities. Go on a nice cold day when it may be too cold to have the kids outside for too long.

6. Spend an entire day baking. I like to get Xavier involved when I cook. He gets a real sense of pride when he gets to help make something that he then gets to eat later. This also give me the opportunity to use my kitchen aid mixer that I seem to only use for my chicken shredding. Seriously? How did I justify buying one? I don't even bake.

7. Go outside and play in that snow! Guess what? If there is snow, you bet I am making the best of it.  I really enjoy keeping my husband company while he shovels the driveway by, building a fort, making a snowman, having a snowball fight, or making a snow angel. I kid, I kid, I help shovel. . .for about 34 seconds.

8. Build an indoor fort. What better time to make a complete mess of your house? I mean, you will have all the time in the world to clean it up when your stuck inside during those snow storms. Building a quality is really an art. I personally don't have that art. I get impatient and just throw blankets on top of the couch. Xavier thinks this is lame and now turns to daddy for help.

9. Have a movie night. Put on your favorite Pj's, make some popcorn, let your kids pick the movie, cuddle up and watch the entire movie. Yes, I mean start to finish . .with kids. I know, call me crazy- but having a movie night really is fun and can be done!

10. Make arts and crafts.  The last thing I am is crafty. But I sure like trying. Find a cool winter craft and spend an afternoon helping your kids create it. Make a mess, have fun, attempt to be creative and stay warm. Does it get better?

What do you like to do with your family during those cold winter months? Having fun doesn't have to cost much money! Get out there and enjoy your surroundings!