Friday, October 12, 2012

Top 10 most useless baby items

When I was pregnant with my first born, Xavier, like most soon to be moms I put everything I could ever think of on my registry hoping to get it. If I didn't get it as a gift, I marched over to Babies R Us and bought it myself. There was no talking me out of it. I mean come on, there was no way my baby could live without these items.

Ok, lets get real. Let me be the one to talk you out of those LUDICROUS purchases.

Top 10 most useless baby products

1) Wipes warmer- this only dries the wipes out. Your baby will get use to a cold wipe on its bum in about 1 day.

2)Bottle warmer- I spent more time trying to figure this thing out while not melting my bottles. Do it the old fashion way, a lil hot water in a big cup and put your cold bottle in it. There you go. Done and done.

3)10,000 different lotions/shampoos. I still had the same lotions I used with Xavier that I now use on my daughter Charlotte. I thought I needed every scent. Take it from me, You don't.

4) The behind the seat mirror for your vehicle. These never stay on, and you have to squint like mama June's bingo face to see your baby since the mirror is so small. Your baby is going to be just fine in the back seat. Don't worry!

5)Infant shoes- Your baby is not going to want to wear shoes, it will rip them off, and half the time they don't fit due to their big chunky sausage feet. I still have infant shoes in the box never worn- who wants them? (You're suppose to say "not me!")

6)Diaper genie- I will admit, I did use this for a small amount of time. However, the refill bags are ridiculously priced and if the diapers are "bad" enough you will still smell them. Also, when the diaper genie gets full I forget about it and leave it sitting there full of nasty grams for weeks. Javy LOVES when I do this :-) I got this brilliant idea with Charlotte: throw the diapers in the trash and take out the trash if it starts to smell.Saves me a bunch of cash!

7) Shopping cart cover- I never had one with Xavier and he lived just fine. I got one with Charlotte because I thought it was the cool thing to do. I have used it once and I hate it. It is big and messy, and took me about 30 minutes to figure out how to put it on the cart ( I still put it on wrong). I was so worried about germs, I then realized that every store now has those sanitizing wipes. Use those- it's much easier!!

8) Pee-pee teepee- Really? Really? I got some of these as a baby shower gift, I thought it was so cool! There was actually a way to prevent my son from peeing in my face? Ummm yeah, not so much. Did I really think a little baby boy would not pee on me and this thing would stay on his wiggly butt? Don't get it. Enough said.

9) Dozens of receiving blankets- I have drawers full of drawers of cute receiving blankets. You fill find that your baby will only like 1 kind of blanket, the rest will just sit there and collect dust. The small blankets are good for maybe 3 uses until your baby gets too chunky for it. I recommend buying 3-5 receiving blankets and leaving the rest alone. Your baby will do just fine without 33 owl/flowers/polka dot blankets

10) Scratch mittens- I had all sorts of cute scratch mittens that I placed on both of my kids- ONE time. I only did it one time because they fall off or getting ripped off by your baby. I then got another brilliant idea on how to get my babies to stop scratching their face- clip their finger nails on a regular basis!! WOW, who would have thought?

Here are a few honorable mentions:

Don't buy diapers in advance when your pregnant. Your baby will go through diapers so quick, your not going to want to buy too much of 1 size. Take it from me, I still have size 2 and size 1 diapers in my closet.

You really don't need 10 bottles in 5 different sizes. You really only need 3-5 bottles- your baby will let you know which one he/she likes- buy a few of those. Once again, take it from me. My cabinets are filled with bottles that i thought were cool, or thought my kids would like. Ummmm no. Every single bottle except for 2 of them have been used once.

The baby bullet- Trust me, a regular food processor is MUCH better because you can make much more baby food in it.

Newborn clothes- Your baby will outgrow these in 1-2 weeks. I would buy 2 pairs of jammies and a few onesies, the rest is a waste.

What are items that you found just as useless as these?


  1. Awesome tracy, thanks for all the tips since we will start thinking about babies in a year or so: ) Love your blogs, keep them coming when you are not busy xo

  2. hey! buy those diapers in advance! But just buy the larger sizes like 3, 4, and 5. Most ppl only give you new-2 sizes at the babyshower
