Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oxi Clean in the dishwasher?

Yes, I said it! I am sure all you moms have seen the commercial for this Oxi Clean that you put in the dishwasher. Sometimes, if a dish doesn't cleaned by the dishwasher, I stick it back in hoping the second trip through will do it. It never works. Onetime, a spoon spent a solid month in the dishwasher before I broke down and washed it by hand.

I had to have this Oxi Clean. For a mere $2.99, I thought it was worth it. You use half the bottle once a month, this shocked me. Apparently the chemicals in it last a that long while cleaning your dishes. That's powerful stuff!

Look how clean that cup is!! I know what you're thinking . ."It's a prego pasta sauce jar." Yes it is, and I use it to drink my red beer from. Stop judging, I'm on a budget, and this is quality glass! Anyway, no more murky glasses! Go buy it now, your life will change forever.

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